If I Ran the Rain Forest Dr. Seuss

Published by: HarperCollinsChildren’sBooks (1 September 2008)

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“I’m the Cat in the Hatand it’s time that we getto go to a placethat is steamy and wet!”In this delightful book, Dr. Seuss’ famous Cat in the Hat explains all about the rainforest to young readers.This title and others form part of a series of books that takes an off-beat look at nature and natural sciences through a fun combination of Seussian rhymes and zany illustrations. Aimed at early readers – from four to seven year olds – the books are designed to bridge the gap between concept books written for preschoolers and more formal non fiction titles that require fluent reading skills. By presenting the facts in a lively and rhythmic manner, they provide the critical foundation upon which complex facts and ideas can eventually be built.