5 Questions to Ask Your Child's Librarian

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This is a blog about library etiquette that every parent must follow when talking with their child’s librarian…

5 Questions to Ask Your Child’s Librarian

Libraries are very special places for book-lovers. These places can keep any enthusiastic reader occupied for hours on end. Book-lovers find any chance to go to their nearby library to read all the new additions in their favorite sections. A library has many different sections for all. They have novels, academic books, magazines, comics, newspapers etc. that delight people of every age group. People also borrow books from libraries if they aren’t able to finish the book in one day. Even children find libraries fun and inviting. Those children who love books usually ask their parents to take them to the library once or twice a week. Parents also get to spend some quality time with their children at the library as both of them read books and relax. But, one must also remember that there are certain etiquettes every library follows to keep it functioning. So, what do we understand by the term ‘library etiquettes?’ Some of the basic library etiquettes involve not talking too loudly with others or on your mobile phone, plugging in your headphones when listening to music or watching videos, not bringing any messy or aromatic foods into the common areas of the library etc. While there are etiquettes in place for adults, similarly there are etiquettes for children in place as well. Parents must adhere to these etiquettes when taking their children to the library. In this blog, we will be discussing 5 questions or etiquettes for children which will be helpful for all our dear patrons and little ones. 5 Questions or Library Etiquettes for Children

1. First and foremost, tell your children beforehand not to make a noise or any other sound in the library as it is a place of quiet. People come to the library to relax and read their favourite books and don’t like any disturbances.

2. If you see your child running into other people’s areas, discourage them from doing so. This activity interrupts a lot of people’s important reading sessions which can be quite distressing for them. Ask your child to remain in their own space and enjoy it there itself.

3. Make your children understand the importance of library property and tell them not to damage it in any way as other people too use the same. Ask them to be respectful of the library’s property. Don’t allow them to take anything away from the library which does not belong to them.

4. Make sure your kids are returning all of their books in pristine condition to the librarian. If you see damage in the book, then do inform the librarian in advance so that he/she can buy a replacement for the damaged book.

5. While borrowing books for your children, make sure you keep a regular check on the return date in your calendar. If you go past the return date, then you may owe a small fine to the library. Do not overextend the stay of the book in your home.

So, these are the 5 library etiquettes that parents and children must follow when they are in a library. The library is a beautiful place and must be kept quiet and clean at all times. Here, books are not sold so you cannot just borrow a book and keep it with you forever. That’s why libraries need etiquettes to run smoothly. Hope that you loved reading this blog. We will be back with more wonderful blogs on different topics for you all. Till then keep reading and enjoy your books

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