10 Tips to Write a Bedtime Story that Everyone Will Enjoy

This Blog Includes :

Blog Summary:

1. A small introduction of bedtime stories and their impact on the lives of children.

2. 10 tips on how to write a successful bedtime story for children.

Which child doesn’t love bedtime stories? We all have been listening to one or the other bedtime story from our grandmothers, mothers or even siblings. We have fallen in love with these stories over many years of repeated listening. We cherish these bedtime stories so much that we even tell these stories to our kids and then also explain to them the moral which the story tells at the end. Bedtime stories have been there right from the evolution of mankind and will continue to enthrall many more young children. To write a successful bedtime story, writers and authors need to have a clear idea of what they want to portray in the story and what morals they want to teach the children. It is definitely not an easy task as it takes hours or days, maybe even years to think of a perfect bedtime story for children. But, when the bedtime story gets written and published and available to the public, then it creates wonders in the world of little children. So, what are some of the tips to write a successful bedtime story? This blog is here to explore some of those tips. 10 Tips to Write a Successful Bedtime Story.

1. Firstly, you will try to create a character who can be either a small boy or girl or even an animal. Or if you are a parent, you can put your child in the story and make them a character in the story. This will help them listen to the story with more interest and they will be excited as well when they hear their name being spoken of in the story.

2. The next thing is to keep the story as simple and lucid as possible. Your child still cannot understand complex words so it will be wise to keep the storyline simple with words with which the child is familiar. This ensures that their interest is sustained in the story.

3. An author or a parent needs to believe in themselves that they can be master storytellers to the children. Create a fun-filled adventure for children where they can be themselves along with their favorite toys and have lots of fun telling the story.

4. Keeping the story to a minimum is the best way to keep kids engaged in the story. Children usually have a short attention-span and they will definitely not like to listen to a story that surpasses the limit of 10 pages. Thus, we see many children’s storybooks as short as 5-10 pages in a bookstore.

5. You can even construct the plot based on your experience from bedtime stories. You too may have one or more favorites as a child which can be used to make the plot for a whole new bedtime story. So, try to mix and match the stories for the parts where you don’t know what to say next.

6. When we make funny voices when telling a story to children, it definitely becomes very interesting and entertaining. Try to add funny voices in between the story for all the major characters.

7. You can even turn your bedtime story telling session into a game. Say the half part of a sentence and allow the children to fill in the other half of the sentence. Authors can definitely use this trick for their next bedtime story for children. They can use this technique in-between the story as this will allow the children to use their creativity.

8. Try to keep the story very clean and provide a happy ending to it. Many bedtime stories end in this way only as the purpose of it is to put children to sleep.

9. Understanding your character is also a very important step to create a successful bedtime story. When your character has set goals and motivations, then only can the story move forward.

10. Lastly, you still need to read the storybook to your kids when also telling them the story. When children listen to the story, they pick up words which are beneficial in increasing their vocabulary and curiosity. So, these are some of the tips that authors and parents can refer to when telling or writing a bedtime story. We hope that you will love this blog and would like to share it with as many people as you can

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