A Review on What Makes Me Fall in Love With A Book

This Blog Includes :

Blog Summary: 1. Introduction to the world of books and how we love reading our books.

2. A list of factors or reasons as to why we fall in love with a particular book

All of us love reading one form of literature or the other. Some may like novels, others appreciate poetry while still others like non-fiction work. The world of books has fascinated each one of us for generations. We buy, read and preserve our books till the very end. Reading is a good habit to adopt and we must never let go of this habit. That’s why as the children now have summer vacations, they must try to develop this habit by making it a challenge which they want to master in a matter of days or weeks. Once this habit solidifies, then it can never leave your side. We must always try to read one book in a week or maybe a month. This will keep expanding our horizons of knowledge and we will keep learning something new. We usually have our set genres and literature. But, we must read other genres too. For example, in novels, if your interest is sci-fi or comic and you don’t want to move out of that comfort zone, you should at least try to pick up a book from let’s say romance or thriller. You can always try and we are not forcing you to continue with a genre that bores you out. If you don’t like the content, you can safely go back to your comfort zone. So, there are some factors or reasons as to why we like a particular genre or book. We are going to list some of these in this blog. Keep reading to find out what those reasons are. Reasons for picking a particular genre: Why does a particular book interest us

1. Books take us on a new adventure every time we read a particular book or genre. Whether it be sci-fi, romance, thriller etc., we just want to travel to that world and experience it for ourselves.

2. To have a relaxing and chill time for yourself, read some books that give you awesome entertainment and help you to calm down as well from a stressful life.

3. Books also provide us with a range of emotions from funny situations to emotional ones. We are always on a constant emotional rollercoaster ride.

4. When we read books, we are always forced to use our imagination and think about what is happening in the scene. Thus, the use of our brains to make imagination helps us keep the interest in the book alive.

5. Books no doubt make us more knowledgeable and expand our horizons as well. We must always keep reading to get more and more information.

6. After reading a book, we sometimes feel that the character’s personality traits have entered inside us as well. We start to act and feel like the character sometimes.

7. Just like watching a soap opera on television, books also run serially in our minds because of which we are unable to put them down.

8. Books certainly are our best friends. Unlike humans, they will never leave our side. We can always come home to finish that one novel, short story or poem whenever we want.

9. For taking a mental getaway, we can read books that will allow our brains a little vacation from all the humdrum of a busy life.

10. Introverted people usually like to hang out more with books than with people.

For introverts, alone time is the time for them to recharge and relax after having a group interaction at a party or office. Thus, they are better book-lovers than extroverts. So, these are the 10 reasons why we love reading and keep our books close to us. We hope that you liked reading this blog. Always read books; they will never disappoint you

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