How to Write A Book Review

This Blog Includes :

:Blog Summary:

1. An introduction to what a book review is.

2. Some tips on how to write a successful, interesting and effective book review.

Book reviews are a very important part of a book lover’s life. They help readers to understand which books are worth their time and which are not even worth spending money on. These reviews highlight all the good and bad points of a book by another reader who either physically bought the book and read it or just downloaded it online. Nowadays, there are many online blogs available that focus solely on book reviews for other book-lovers. These are very useful as they help us in choosing the correct book that would be a worthy read and also help us spend some productive time. Every writer does not possess a knack for writing excellent book reviews. It is a genre that requires careful assessment of every book, around 2-3 readings and then writing a proper book review for audiences to read and enjoy. Nowadays, we see many people writing reviews on online e-commerce websites like Amazon, Flipkart etc. So, those people who are thinking of buying a particular book can firstly read the review of other customers before making the final purchase. So, if you have the talent and knack to write compelling book reviews, you need a few tips to help make your ride smooth sailing for you. This blog will discuss a few tips on how to write a book review. Tips on How to Write a Book Review

1. Start by describing a small summary of the book by telling the audience what the story is all about. But be careful when disclosing the plot as many writers tend to give away a lot of the story while writing the review. This will immediately douse the interest of the audience who may have been warming up to the idea of reading the book. Just let out only that much by which your audience remains in a mystery.

2. Similar to the first point, when writing a review, try to avoid telling anything about the story which opens up the interesting bits. In other words, do not give any spoilers to the audience beforehand. Let them read the book and find out what happens in the story. Just like movies, novels are a favourite of many people and they hate it when a reviewer gives out the spoilers of the story.

3. If you are writing a book review of a novel which may have sensitive content, then it is best to let other readers know of the same. Sometimes, the topic may prove a bit difficult to digest for many readers and also render them uncomfortable because of which they may dump the idea of reading the book altogether.

4. Try to keep your review interesting right from the start. Use interesting language that makes your reader immerse himself/herself in your blog and not just scroll down to the next one. Use eye-catching tags as well that will quickly allow readers to jump into your blog. Also, the reader must become so convinced that he/she picks up the book in an instant or makes the purchase in a jiffy.

5. Most importantly, don’t forget to mention your take on how did the novel make you feel. Many times, reviewers lose sight of this important point as they end up telling more about the plot and characters. So, always mention your opinions at the end of the blog. This will help readers understand whether or not to pick up a certain book.

6. Be unique when you write book reviews. Oftentimes, readers follow a reviewer because of their quirky style of writing a book review while many others follow the blog due to similar reading tastes. Keep your language easy to understand but keep it unique so that it maintains the reader’s interest.

7. Giving rating points to books also gives readers know-how of how a book is. You can create small categories for each rating and then rate the book accordingly. If any book is low on ratings, then readers will not consider purchasing it. So, try to add a rating system on your blog website.

8. You can also read other book reviewers’ blogs to get some idea on how to enhance yours.

9. Try to give a truthful version of any novel or book that you read. Give both sides such as praise and critique. Explain why you feel that the novel has a great plot or why the characters are good.

10. Always keep your audience in mind when writing a book review. While a book may fascinate some people, others may not find it too interesting a read. So, try to keep a mix of things that allows audiences to read the book.

11. Another important point to keep in mind is to always proofread your review before making it public. People instantly get bored when they feel a blog is laden with lengthy sentences and have typo errors in them. So, keep your blog simple and error-free.

12. And lastly, just enjoy the process of being a book reviewer. Although it is a daunting task to write a review, it is finally labour of love when you write it. It has all your elements that add a bit of connection with the audience and when you include the audience in it, then the connection becomes even stronger. So, these are our 12 tips on how you can become a successful book reviewer in the future. But to become one, you need to start on the process from today itself. You may not be able to write quality book reviews from day 1 but with consistency and practice, you will surely be able to achieve the goal one day.

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