5 Ways to Help Your Children Fall Asleep Faster

This Blog Includes :

Blog Summary:

1. An introduction to how children and parents like to spend their bedtime together.

2. 5 ways in which parents can help their children fall asleep faster.




Welcome back to another book pal blog where we have your new topic to share. Whatdoyouusuallydo when you are about to put your children to bed? Do you read them a story or sing a lullaby? Or do you play some relaxing music for them which makes them fall asleep? These and many more ways are there for parents to help their children fall asleep. Children usually take some time to fall asleep as they are quite active little humans. They try with all their might to resist bedtime although their eyes may be getting heavier with each passing minute. So, parents need constant new tactics at their disposal to make their children fall asleep as quickly as possible. This also reduces the hassle of the parents so that they can get some much-needed sleep to gain full energy for the next day with their kids. In this blog, we will be exploring the 5 ways in which you can make your child fall asleep faster and more effectively. 5 ways in which parents can make their children fall asleep faster.

1. Set a customized bedtime- Most children have a different time for getting proper sleep. They must rest for 8-10 hours each day, unlike adults who need6-7 hours of quality sleep. So, setting a proper bedtime routine is essential. There are usually two types of children- early risers and night owls. Early risers will wake up early no matter at what time they go to bed whereas night-owls will stay up all night until they are ready to fall asleep. Thus, parents need to be a bit strict with their children and make a customized bedtime that allows their children to have a proper night-time nap.

2. Setting a Wake-up time- Just like a customized bedtime, a child must wake up at a particular time. Parents can set their child’s wake-up time between 6 am-8 am. If the child is oversleeping, then parents need to make him/her understand the importance of waking up early and if the child is still not following the set time, then he/she needs a bit of reprimanding. When the child wakeup at the correct time, then they will go to sleep faster at night.

3. Consistent bedtime routine is key- To make your child fall asleep faster, you must keep the bedtime routine consistent. When parents keep the routine at a consistent pace, it is more likely that the child will follow the habit well into their adult lives as well.

4. Screens must be turned off 2 hours earlier-All electronic devices such as phones, tablets, laptops, etc. need to be switched off just 2 hours before the scheduled bedtime. This sets a limit to the children’s usage of these devices. They get to know that they cannot extend the viewing time to more than the prescribed limit. But, still, if your little one throws a tantrum and wants to view more cartoons, then you will need to make them understand the importance of having a healthy nap at night. This may change their behavior a little and they will be more careful the next time.

 5. Keep stress at bay when going to sleep-Do not put your child under any stress when they are going to bed. Keep pre-bedtime activities calm such as reading them a story, singing a lullaby, or playing some soothing music that helps your kids to relax and sleep peacefully. It will reduce the cortisol levels in your child thus making them fall asleep faster. So, these are the 5 ways in which you can make your child have a healthy nap and develop a good habit in the process. If this habit is followed right from childhood, it will never leave your child’s side when they grow up to be adults. So, sleep healthy and keep your body and mind healthy


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