5 Reasons Why You Should Read Fiction: 5 best reasons for reading fiction.

We all love reading fiction and enjoy all of its genres, such as fantasy, romance, sci-fi, horror, etc. These fictional worlds give us a chance to get a peek at the world of the characters who reside in them. We also get sucked up into the world of the genre which we are reading and feel as if we also are a part of the story. Fiction also gives us great ideas to work upon. When we finish reading a particular genre of our choice, we can then think up our own novel and start working on it straight away. Or we can write a series of blog posts where we can highlight similar novels in the genre, which will then attract like-minded people to read the books. Thus, one must always read fictional works. Nowadays, fictional works are getting noticed in Bollywood as well. We are seeing many stories being recreated based on fictional novels. The best example of this is Chetan Bhagat. Many of his novels have been converted into films, which the audiences have liked. Also, the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling has been quite popular as well. We have also seen the evolution of DC and Marvel Comics onto the big screen. But, even after all this, some people might still have doubts about why we should read fiction when the things written in the novels are not true in real life? Yes, indeed, the things written in fictional novels are not true in real life, but the relaxation and peace of mind that the fictional work gives cannot be compared to real life. We forget about our humdrum life for a while when we are engrossed in a very good and interesting novel. So, we will now give you five reasons why you should read fiction and not give up on it.

5 Reasons as to why you should read fictional works Some reasons are as follows

1. The first and foremost reason to read fiction is that it develops in us the quality of empathy. When we see the protagonist's suffering in any novel, our hearts instantly go out toward him/her. This empathy can then help us in real life as well. We become more understanding of other people’s problems and try to lessen their pain.

2. Reading fiction also helps us disengage from chaotic real life and reduces our stress considerably. When we engross ourselves in fiction, we find that our minds instantly start to relax and calm down. This brings back our positive vibes as well.

3. It has been found that those who read before bedtime sleep better than those who watch videos or social media at night. Screen time must be minimized during the night as it helps our brain to fall asleep. So, reading fiction also comes in handy when you want to have a good night’s rest.

4. The fictional works also help to improve our personal relationships either with our family, spouse, etc. This is because, in most romantic fictional novels, we encounter the separation of a couple due to multiple reasons but also see them unifying in the end, defying all odds as they work upon their mistakes and try to become better versions of themselves.

5. And lastly, those who read more books, particularly fiction, have a lesser chance of developing memory problems in the future. Books keep our mind sharp and agile as it helps in building up our vocabulary. This is indeed a very useful resource to keep with yourself throughout your life. So, these are our five pointers as to why you should be reading fiction instead of non-fiction. I hope you will definitely try to bring about some changes in your lifestyle once you implement these tips. At Bookpal, we have fictional novels of all types.

So, log onto our website and enjoy the wonderful world of fiction.

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