5 Ways to Make Reading Fun & Entertaining

As we all know, reading is an essential part of one’s life. Whether we are a baby or an adult, we love our books to the core and even take good care of them. We enjoy a variety of books throughout our lives. When we are kids, we enjoy picture books such as board books, comics, texture-based books, etc., and when we become adults, we enjoy novels and other sorts of fiction-based books that take us into a whole new world. But, sometimes, this reading activity can become a bit boring, and we tend to fall for distractions in our life such as scrolling through our social media feed, watching TV, doing other interesting things, etc., because of which our reading lags behind. When we think of getting back to our book after the distractions, it feels like a humongous task for us, and we ultimately go off to sleep and procrastinate about our reading session. Thus, it is important that we keep toe-to-toe with our reading and not get bored by it at any moment. Another important thing that influences our reading sessions is the choice of books. If we take up a very boring book and try poring over it for hours, our brains tend to go haywire and faze out into a completely different zone. This tends to create a problem for us, and we cannot focus on our reading. So, in this blog, we will highlight some ways for you and your little one how to keep your reading sessions full of fun and without distractions. So, let’s start. Some ways to make your reading session Entertaining Some ways to make your reading session fun are as follows

1. First and foremost, the selection of the book should be a proper one. Make sure you pick a book that suits both you and your child. It could be anything, a comic, a picture book, a short story etc. This will keep the interest alive and not allow both of you to get bored.

2. The next thing you can do is to read the story out loud to your infant or toddler. When we read the story out loud, it sometimes generates interest in the story and makes us curious as well. We start thinking as to what happens next in the story. It is similar for our children. Their curiosity piques much higher than ours, and they want the story to finish quickly.

3. Story-acting is another good way to keep yourself, and your child entertained throughout the reading session. When we use voices, actions, etc., to tell a story, it not only keeps us active but also our child interested and wanting for more.

4. As parents, we must allow our children to read all forms of literature, whether it be magazines, fictional works, non-fictional works, etc., to develop more reading niches for the future.

5. Creating a separate space for reading can surely enhance more reading sessions for you and your child. It can be anywhere, whether in the living room, balcony, or even in your child’s room. When you have a cozy reading space, you can enjoy more books with your child. So, in this blog, we have covered some major pointers which should be kept in mind when starting reading sessions with your child. This will be both helpful and successful if applied properly. Introduce your child to the world of reading books by visiting our website bookpallibrary.com where you can get a wide selection of books to choose from. Happy reading!!

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