Kalpana Pandey (Creative Credit :Ankita Jaiswal)


The world is made of knowledge, and knowledge is made of the world. Where would you go if you wanted this existence condensed into a knowledge form for you to savor and learn from? You will turn to the library. But no place is complete without the right guidance, and for that, we have the librarians to thank. Without them, the library would be a mere building, a storeroom full of books perhaps.

It is a common misconception that librarians merely help you check a book out. If we did not have librarians, the books would not be arranged in a systemic order, there would no classification, and you would have a room full of books left in a haphazard.

You can go to your local librarian today and ask them for recommendations based on a specific book or genre, and they will help you out. They are immensely knowledgeable and are always willing to help spread information around. In a way, they truly are some kind of teachers themselves.

School is the foundation for all of us, so being a school librarian is indeed a tough job. They help you get exposed to the right things, they guide you the right way. Personally speaking, my world opened up when my school librarian allowed me to read from the older children section when she saw I enjoyed reading. Would Matilda have found her true potential had her librarian not helped her find the right books?

On this National School Librarian Day, BookPal wished all librarians around the world, and thanks to them heartily for being true champions of intellect and art.As Jarrett J. Krosoczka has said, "It is an awfully sad misconception that librarians simply check books in and out. The library is the heart of a school, and without a librarian, it is but an empty shell."


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