The Best Indie authors of all time

Hello to all our lovely patrons and children. Today, in this blog, we will be discovering some of the best Indie authors of all time.

But, first, let’s get down to the definition of one. Who is an Indie author?

So, an Indie author is one who publishes all their books by himself/herself without the support of any established publishing houses. They do this because the established houses may not think their book to be a hit with the audience or they may not like the idea of the author.

In history and even in present times, there are many Indie authors who do self-publication of their books. Another name for Indie authors is self-publishing authors.

So, now that we have got a clear idea of who an Indie author is, we will now look at some of the best ones from the past. So, let’s get down to it.

Top Indie Authors of All Time:

  1. Beatrix Potter- Potter, known for her world-famous story of Peter Rabbit was actually an Indie author. When she first took her manuscript to every publishing house in England, she was rejected by all of them. She then decided to self-publish her book and that’s how the evergreen story of Peter Rabbit is now available to us. From our Bookpal collection, we have The Peter Rabbit Club, The Tale of Pigling Bland, The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies, The Tale of Jemimah Puddle-Duck, Cecily Parsley’s Nursery Rhymes and Peter Rabbit’s Lullabies. These are a favourite of many children and are read widely today.
  2. E.L. James- She is best known for her Fifty Shades series. She started off by writing fan fiction for the entertainment of her readers. After she wrote her first novel, 50 Shades of Grey, she used an Australian company to self-publish the book to make it available as an e-book. This was the life-changing moment for James as her book sold 70 million copies worldwide and was also adapted into a movie by the same title. In our Bookpal catalogue, we do have 50 Shades of Grey.
  3. John Locke- He is also a very well known indie author who has published several e-books to his credit. All his e-books are best-sellers on Amazon.
  4. Darcie Chan- Her famous novel, The Mill River Recluse, has now sold over 650,000 copies. She wrote it when she had a lot of alone time at home and then tried to submit her manuscript to publishers who kept rejecting it time and again and as a result she put it in a drawer and forgot about it. When she heard of e-book publishing, she decided to give it a try and published her book online. She got a great response from the audience resulting in a large sellout of her book.
  5. Heather Killough- Walden- She is the author of the best-selling vampire romance, The Third Kiss: Dorian’s Dream. She says that she wrote many query letters to publishing houses regarding her manuscript, but faced rejection from all of them. She still has those 300 rejection letters in her closet. When she published her book on Amazon Kindle, it sold out like hotcakes and since then, she has never turned back. She is happy with the choice she made and says that she hung around there rather than just giving up on her writing dream.

So, these were some of the Indie authors that I wanted to share with you all. Hope you will love reading all of them or some of them. Happy Reading! Do visit our website to check out new additions to our library.


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