How to Choose the Right Book for You and Your Partner

This Blog Includes :

Blog Summary:

1. An introduction about what couples love to do and how they share their love.

2. Some books which will be an interesting read for all couples of today.

We all know how people fall in love. There are various ways in which people start liking and loving one another. When two people form a close bond with one another, they become a couple and start doing various romantic activities which both of them enjoy doing.

Usually, people with similar interests fall for each other. They want to share their interests with another person and love to spend time discussing similar topics as well. Couples do a lot of things for each other before and after marriage. They vow to love each other till the end of their lives and never want to be separated for even a second.

Couples do a variety of activities like travelling, reading books, spending chill weekends with one another etc. All these activities help strengthen their bond and take their love to the next level.

Romance is a very heavenly thing to do between couples. They love cuddling sessions and being together with one another in the present moment without worrying about the past or the future. Couples also sometimes love the same food and love feeding each other at home or in restaurants.

Many couples nowadays have started living in. This is a relationship in which a couple rents or buys a house of their own and starts living together. They are not married at this stage. Live-in allows a couple to understand each other better and they learn about likes, dislikes and other such things. When all seems fine and the couple has a great spark or connection with each other, do they allow their parents to enter their lives. If the parents on both sides also agree to the match, then the marriage is fixed and the relationship becomes permanent.

The trend of arranged marriages is also present in today’s society but many boys and girls are afraid of commitment at an early age and that’s why parents cannot fix up their children’s marriage to just any random stranger nowadays. Even love marriages sometimes fall apart because of trivial issues. But, still love is in the air and people still fall in love with one another.

We all know that two people need to make compromises and sacrifices to be a true couple. Marriage requires adjustments, but in our Indian society, females have to keep up with these adjustments. Men make little to no adjustments on their part. The husband’s family can either be very kind and gentle towards the daughter-in-law or harsh and brutal.

That’s why it is important to know about your life partner from the onset of your relationship. You must be aware of the family of the boy/girl you are dating or living-in with. This is because it will help you gauge whether to continue with the relationship further or not.

But, in this blog, we will be talking about 5 books that you and your partner can enjoy reading together and also allow both of you to spend quality time together. So, let’s check these titles out.

So, firstly we will know how to pick the perfect book for yourself and your partner. A book should be enjoyed by both people if they want to have a loving and caring relationship.

How to choose the perfect book for you and your partner

1. Make sure you both are aware of each other’s tastes and likes. If your partner likes romance, you can buy books around that theme and then you both can enjoy them together.

2. Always keep an open options list. Depending on your moods, you could be picking any book that suits both of you on a particular day. Some days you may love to read fiction, but on other days it will be non-fiction. So, it would be great to have a big list of options to choose from.

3. When you want to be extra creative in your romantic reading relationship, try getting two copies of the same book that either you or your partner has chosen to read. You can both then read together from matching paperback books or may even bookmark your separate books because everyone’s reading pace is different.

4. And finally, have a book summary chat with your partner after you finish your books. Talk about the high and the low parts of the book, interpret the book in your words and also talk about the lessons you learnt from the book. This will enhance your romantic bond and make it stronger.

Top 5 Books for Couples to Read

1. Attached by Amir Levine and Rachel S.F. Heller- This book will help both of you understand which category of attachment you both fit. According to this book, there are three types of attachments that couples usually find themselves in which are anxious, avoidant or secure. As both of you read this book, try to understand and evaluate which category best describes your relationship. This is an essential reading in today’s age.

2. Getting the love you want by Harville Hendrix- The author of this book is considered the grandfather of couples therapy. In this book, Hendrix has explained two concepts which are ‘conscious marriage’ and ‘unconscious marriage’. He has also developed a 10-week course that couples can take together. Although all this is a bit on the technical front, still this book will help you to gauge and give you some valuable insight into the type of relationship you want to create with your partner.

3. Hold me tight by Sue Johnson- This book is perfect for those couples who are always on edge and by nature are high-conflict. Johnson has given some useful emotional tools that can help improve relationships between couples. This book will also help couples under their level of emotional bonding with each other.

4. Mating in captivity by Esther Perel- This book is a bit on the controversial side because it takes a very different approach to sex life in long-term relationships. Perel is a groundbreaking author who has written this book for couples. But, if you are in the mood for something edgy, erotic and groundbreaking then definitely go for this book. You and your partner will not be disappointed.

5. Perfect Love, Imperfect Relationships by John Welwood- This is again a great book for couples who have undergone couples therapy with a counsellor for at least a year. This book explores the core of love and how it affects our romantic relationships. This book will certainly transform you and your partner by giving some psychological depth. This book is a must-read for couples.

So, these are our 5 recommendations for couples who are in love and want to enjoy their time by reading some books. These books have been written by experts in couples therapy and will surely guide you and your partner in having a successful relationship that can last a lifetime. We hope you loved this blog and will also recommend it to other couples. Till then keep reading and we will bring to you another blog very soon.


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