5 New Books You Should Read

This Blog Includes :

Blog Summary:

1. An introduction as to what reading new titles and novels mean to booklovers.

2. Top 5 new books you should read this year and enjoy.

Reading books is a passion that very few people have these days. The rest of the population has stopped reading or does not have any interest in the activity.

Nowadays, people think that those who are reading and enjoying books are simply wasting their time and life. In their opinion, book lovers should be making use of their time by doing something productive.

But, they don’t understand that reading books is indeed a very productive activity even in today’s day and age.

Reading helps to open up our minds to new ideas and things about which we never knew earlier. They are the window to new adventures, quests and stories in which we can delve and be with our protagonists as they take the adventure head-on.

There are several benefits of reading books. Some of these benefits are-

1. Reading helps our brain to get some much-needed exercise as we come across new words which our brain stores in its mental vocabulary which we then use the next time in some relevant conversation. Our brain also keeps many of the details of the book retained for a long time when we finish a book.

2. Reading also gives us a lot of free entertainment that social media apps cannot. Reading books even for half an hour gives us so much relaxation and entertainment which we cannot imagine getting from social media.

3. It is a well-known fact that reading helps to improve our concentration and ability to focus. When we have a really good book on our hands, we tend to give it our full, undivided attention. Booklovers simply immerse themselves in books and don’t want to be removed from them at any stage.

4. Books help us become literate. We keep coming across so many words throughout a novel, that our brain keeps asking us to look into a dictionary for the meanings. When we know the meaning of a new word, we can then use it in our writings, conversations or anywhere else.

5. Many people nowadays have started to read at night. Reading books at night can get you a comfortable sleep than scrolling through your phone endlessly. This is an excellent habit to adopt and practice.

6. Books help us in increasing our store of information by adding new things about which we didn’t know earlier. Whether it be fiction or non-fiction, books always give us newer information every day.

7. Books can improve our motivation levels as well. When we read of a protagonist who overcomes challenges, we also get inspired to do the same and so we start thinking positively as well.

8. Whenever we are stressed, books can be our great friends in need. Just pick up a book whenever you are tensed or stressed and experience it slowly melting away as you go deeper into the world of the book.

9. You can also set a good example for your children when you are reading books. Children are great mimicry artists and will tend to take your lead and start reading books when they see you engaged in that activity.

10. A person who reads a lot of books is also a true empath because they can understand the problems of the other person by putting themselves in their situation. This habit develops because the reader is experiencing the problems through the narrator’s viewpoint.

So, these are some of the top benefits of reading books that people usually experience in their lives.

Let’s now talk about some of the new titles that you should be reading this year and we hope that you will love our selection of books.

Top 5 New Books to Read This Year

1. Skandar and the Unicorn Thief by A.F. Steadman- This is a book for young adults and is the story of Skandar who dreams of being a master unicorn rider and then competing in the Chaos Cup. This one is a great adventure of epic proportions.

2. Daughter of the Moon Goddess by Sue Lynn Tan- This is a fantasy novel in which there is a powerful female protagonist and is a tale of love, sacrifice and honour and is topping all the fantasy must-reads charts this year.

3. Book of Night by Holly Black- This is Black’s debut novel and is the story of Charlie Hall who is trapped in the world of shadow trading and wants to break away from it but she seems helpless and powerless to do so as she encounters a maelstrom of doppelgangers, thieves and magic. This is a must-read for fans of dark fantasy novels.

4. Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel- This story spans 300 years and is the story of an exiled Earl’s son who is an author on a book tour during the pandemic and a time-travelling detective and both have seen a great opportunity to do something great to change the fabric of the timeline and the universe. This also looks like a must-read so if you feel you connect with this story, you can go with this novel.

5. The Candy House by Jennifer Egan- In this standalone novel, Egan has placed herself as an icon which tells about the effects of privacy and memory. This is a mind-altering read which is creative and complex at the same time. It also makes for a brilliant read for our book lovers.

So, these are our top five picks of new books which we are sure many of our readers will enjoy and look forward to reading. Each of these books has a unique and interesting story. That’s why you can pick any of these five trending books of 2022 to read and enjoy.


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