10 Common Emotional Problems Faced by Children and the Solutions

This Blog Includes :

Blog Summary:

1. An introduction as to why children feel emotions strongly and how they get affected by it.

2. Parents can use some solutions to control their children’s overwhelming emotions.


Children are little bundles of joy for the family. Parents shower a lot of love on them while other family members also give them a lot of love and care. Children love to spend their time exploring their surroundings and experimenting with all different kinds of things around the house.

They similarly, enjoy doing different activities at school where they get kids of their age and they get involved in various mischiefs as well. Teachers love these naughty but cute activities now and then.

But, sometimes, some children become emotional right from the start. They usually cry a lot over small things and can even throw temper tantrums if they don’t get their favourite toy or other things that interest them.

These children then feel emotionally drained at school as they are more focused on concentrating on their rollercoaster of emotions than on what the teacher is saying.

They even feel shy to ask the teacher about a problem again for the fear of getting a scolding. Thus, they remain academically behind as against their peers.

Children feel emotions more strongly than adults and they can have lasting impressions on them. It takes parents hours to get them into a normal mood after an emotional breakdown.

There are thankfully many solutions available online where parents can seek the best route to solve their child’s emotional problems. Additionally, they can visit a child counsellor who can then talk with the child to understand his/her emotional problems and guide the parents to the right solution.

Children need extra care and protection so that they can deal effectively with their emotions from time to time and don’t get anxious or nervous at any point in time.

In this blog, we will be discussing some such solutions which parents can use to elevate their children’s emotional problems. These solutions will surely come in handy for many of our Bookpal patrons. So, let’s discuss the topic further.

10 Common Emotional Problems that Children Face and How to Solve Them

1. First off, your child must know what are the different types of emotions that human beings face in daily life. Help them understand the different emotions by bringing them into your conversations. You can even do the emotion labelling exercise through books, movies and tv shows. Ask your child how the character is feeling at a certain point in the movie, book or tv show. This labelling of emotions will better enable your child to cope with any incoming emotions in the future.

2. Don’t ever mix emotions and behaviours. Tell your kids that it is alright to feel emotions at one point or the other. But, when they behave rudely and then say that they were just angry, reprimand them there and then. This will allow them to differentiate between the different types of behaviour and emotions and they will not repeat the mistake.

3. Help to reinforce your child’s feelings and give proper validation to them as well. This will show that the child’s emotions are not wrong. Give them some relatable examples from your life which will help them to connect with you on an emotional level. Try to give as much proper encouragement to your child’s emotions as possible.

4. Be of accepting nature and ask your children why are they feeling sad, upset, angry or happy. Sometimes, it is quite difficult to understand a child’s emotions as they are yet too small to tell fully what has made them emotional. But by listening and accepting their emotions, your child will feel more encouraged to talk to you about their emotions in the future.

5. One of the most important things to teach a child as to how to keep a regulatory check on their emotions. If your child is losing control of his/her emotions, then ask them to take a deep breath several times and try to get as relaxed as possible. This will ensure that their emotions don’t go overboard.

6. When your child is throwing temper tantrums now and then, don’t reinforce them at all. Allow your child to calm down themselves and when they display acceptable behaviour, shower them with praise and love. This will make them understand that showing unnecessary temper tantrums will not be rewarded by their parents. Don’t scold your children when they are in a fit of temper tantrums. This will reinforce their behaviour even more and they will display such behaviour more often.

7. Try to give small emotional challenges to your children such as making them sit for a sad movie. Don’t try to shelter them from all of the emotional problems as then they will never be able to express themselves emotionally when faced with difficult situations.

8. Seek professional help from a paediatrician or child counsellor only when even you are not able to control your child’s emotional problems. Professionals will help you in managing your child’s emotional problems by giving you the latest tips and tricks on how to handle your child’s emotions in a better way.

9. Always be on the lookout for the slightest emotional change in your child. As we always say, prevention is better than cure. Control the emotion there and then before it goes overboard and your child puts you in an embarrassing situation in front of everyone else.

10. Finally, give your child ample space and time to express their emotional outburst and then allow them to cool down as well. Don’t interrupt their cooling-off time in any way. You will see better changes in your child when they come out calm and happy.

So, these are our 10 tips for parents as to how they can help overly emotional children and appropriately manage their emotions. These are some very useful tips which can help your child in becoming emotionally intelligent.


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