How to Make Children's Books a Part of Your Daily Life

This Blog Includes :

Blog Summary:

1. A look into how children’s books are both beneficial for children and parents.

2. How parents can make their children’s books a part of their daily lives.

Children’s books are an enriching way of getting your children to enter the world of reading. Not only children, but sometimes, even parents enjoy these books along with their children.

These books increase a child’s intellect and understanding of their world. They get to know what is present in the world. Children also enjoy the colourful pictures in the books that keep them engaged throughout the day.

Making these books a daily part of your and your children’s lives is essential so that they do not give up on their habit of reading. It is often quoted that good readers become better leaders. Thus, these books can even make your child form a good lifelong habit of reading.

Children would love to visit libraries and even like to enrol themselves in book clubs where they will get to learn new activities every day along with reading sessions.

Parents must always instil a love for books in children right from infancy. When kids are read to from an early age, they quickly develop a love for books.

This habit then allows them to read a variety of genres and thus they get interested to know more things day by day.

In this blog, we will be discussing some ways how parents can make children’s books a part of their daily lives.

Ways to Make Children’s Books a Part of Your Life

1. Try to encourage daily reading sessions between you and your child. Usually, children love bedtime stories so try to read them one bedtime story daily. This increases their interest and afterwards, they will enjoy reading these stories by themselves.

2. If you are reading to an infant, then make sure you keep them close by holding them in your lap. Allow them to hold the book and help them in turning the pages when you finish a part of the story.

3. Add a lot of funny noises when you are reading to your child. This helps them engage even more with the story and they may even ask you to repeat the sound.

4. While reading, it is also important when to stop. Children may enjoy the story for a little while but then lose interest completely. Do not continue reading if your child is not in the mood for further reading. Just keep the book away. Even a few minutes of reading is enough for you and your child.

5. If you are reading a picture book with your child, help them understand the meaning of every picture that they are coming across. This helps them show more enthusiasm toward the book.

6. As soon as your child is ready to understand words, make sure you engage them in the world of letters by sliding your finger across the written part of the book. If it’s a book in a different language, then help them understand its English meaning.

7. When your child starts attending preschool, tell them how much you adore ‘story time’ with them. This will allow your child to continue the habit of reading story books with you. Talk about ‘story time’ in some form of your conversations daily.

8. Make sure you have a small library for your child right from the beginning. Allow them to choose whatever book they want to read with you. 

9. Create your reading time into a fun time. You can use books as rewards for every good deed that your child does. Additionally, you can buy them books, get their library cards issued etc. which increases a prolonged love for books in your child.

10. When you start reading with your child, make sure you let them know who the author and illustrator of the book are. Also, make sure you make your child study the cover and ask them what they think the book might be about.

11. Keep the reading session interactive. Keep asking your child frequent questions such as ‘What is this?’ or ‘What do you think will happen next?’

12. Allow your child to ask you questions when they encounter a picture or word that they don’t understand.

13. If your child is hooked on a favourite story of theirs, do not lose hope. Instead, read the story again and again. This is beneficial for your child.

14. Children have a very sharp memory and they can quickly memorize stories that they have read many times. In such a scenario, ask your child to read out the story to you.

15. Talking about punctuation marks in a story is also a good step in helping your child where and when to use them.

16. If you are not well-versed in English but still want that your child should listen to stories in the language, then borrow some books that have the provision of CDs or audiocassettes. This will help your children to acquire the skill of listening and they will also enjoy the story in the process.

17. When your child starts attending elementary school, they develop a liking for a particular genre or theme. If your child finishes a specific book in a genre, then you can search for another book that matches the genre that your child is currently interested in.

18. You can even take turns reading out the story along with your child. Start by reading a single paragraph while your child reads the next one. This increases the bonding between you two.

So, this is how you can make children’s books a part of your daily lives. You will surely enjoy the valuable time you spend with your children every day. This also makes the child feel loved and valued in the family and they become better persons in the future.


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