10 Strategies to Get Your Kids to Do their Homework and Keep them Interested

This Blog Includes :

Blog Summary:

1. An introduction as to why children resist finishing their homework.


2. Some ways in which parents can keep their children interested in doing their homework and make them finish it.

When kids are small, they usually like to play more and study less. That’s why when parents enrol them in schools, they create a huge tantrum and cry buckets on the first day. They don’t want to remain separated from their parents and most of all, they miss their playtime.

But, kids have to be taught that going to school is an important step for them as they will get to learn new things every day and they will also gain new friends who can even become their trustworthy friends for life.

Secondly, if the child did not show any crankiness when going to school for the first time, then they may not tell or do their homework assigned to them by their class teachers and other subject teachers.

This can put the child in a lot of trouble along with his/her parents. Teachers may complain about the child if they don’t turn up their homework or projects on time.

Thus, it is important to teach kids to complete their homework on time and most of all, keep them interested in doing their homework.

But, some parents may find it hard to keep their children focused on doing their homework as children tend to get way too distracted with other things in their surroundings like toys, gadgets or even a passing relative.

So, in this blog, we will be giving our parents 10 tips on how to keep your child’s homework time fun and interesting.

14 ways to keep your child interested in doing their homework

1. Try to attend the parent-teacher meets regularly. These meets have been designed for a purpose. When parents get to meet their child’s teachers, they come to know what their children are doing at school. If your child has not turned in their homework daily, then their teachers will let you know of the same. So, be present at every parent-teacher meet.

2. If your child is not showing interest in doing his/her homework, then set up a friendly and welcoming place for them by keeping all of their stationery and other homework supplies at a hand’s distance. Make the area look like it is just another play area for them.

3. Make a scheduled study time for your child that makes sure that they are doing their homework on time. After they are done with their homework, allow them to indulge in other activities such as playing, reading storybooks etc.

4. When your child has received way too many assignments as when they are doing summer homework, ask them to make up a study plan and work according to their devised plan. You can then add short break periods of 10-15 minutes in between the study sessions. This helps your child to relax and rejuvenate when they take up studies next.

5. Make sure you keep all the distracting stuff away when your child is fully concentrated on doing his/her homework. In this way, they will be able to finish their homework quickly.

6. Don’t help your kids entirely with their homework. Let them do most of it on their own. If they encounter a problem, then only help them with it.

7. Be both motivator and monitor of your kids’ homework. Check up daily on their completed homework, give praise when they finish their homework correctly and give them small assignments and quizzes which test their knowledge of the subject.

8. Try to be a good role model for them. Read books that have good messages in them. Kids will also emulate your habits and read books with inspiring messages.

9. Never shy away from giving praise to your kid when they bring excellent marks or top their class. You can post the test or achievement on the refrigerator. Also, praise your child when relatives ask about his/her academic qualifications. This is the point where many Indian parents hesitate. When you don’t praise their achievements, children tend to fall into depression and their performance also tends to drop significantly.

10. Lastly, many children usually complete their homework without any difficulty. But, if your child is facing a lot of difficulty in doing his/her homework, then seek help from an educational counsellor, or child’s teacher and try to understand the disorder the child may be facing when doing homework.

11. Do not call your child’s homework a job. This further demotivates them and they will not be interested in doing it. Try to keep it as fun a time as possible. Children must get equal time to work and play. This enhances both their physical as well as mental development.

12. Also never use threatening ways to make your child do his/her homework. Many parents tend to scold their children to not play until they have finished their homework. Some even go to the extent of snatching away their child’s books or toys if they don’t do their homework.

13. For teachers, it is important not to exempt any student from doing extra homework if they have submitted their previous ones. These things demotivate other students who have not turned in their homework.

14. Never use the methods of nagging, bribing or forcing to make your child to do their homework. This makes them lazy and they would even throw tantrums if parents keep pestering their children.

Thus, these are our 14 tips that parents can use to keep their children interested in doing their homework. Make your kids understand the importance of studying and doing homework daily. This will ensure that your kid stays at the top of his/her class.


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