Choosing Your Bookshelves

This Blog Includes :

Blog Summary:

  1. A small introduction to how bookshelves are an important aspect of our lives.

2. Ways in which we can incorporate bookshelves into our living room or bedroom.

We like decorating our homes in customized ways. We are specific about the things that we want to keep in a certain place. There are many pieces of furniture and decor that we keep in different areas of our house.

Similarly, we all have a bookshelf that we keep as our prized possession and love to see all of our books on that bookshelf. We sometimes even arrange our books in an orderly manner.

There are multiple designs on bookshelves that we can choose and buy. Sometimes, we buy budget-friendly and practical bookshelves that occupy less space and store all our books as well.

Then we also have opulent and luxurious bookshelves that can occupy multiple books and require a separate room of their own. People construct libraries in their homes to keep their books.

Or sometimes, bookshelves occupy pride of place in the living rooms of people.

In this blog, we will be looking at how we can incorporate bookshelves into our lives.

Ways in Bookshelves can be Incorporated into Our Lives

1. The first way in which we can add a bookshelf in our home is around a doorframe. Why keep your doorframes boring when you can convert them into a full bookshelf? Better still don’t add a door, just make a frame out of it and make the rest into bookshelves. This way, you can feel the openness of the books welcoming you into their world.

2. Secondly, your home office space can easily add some bookshelves. Usually, people add bookshelves to their office space so that they can keep important books at hand.

3. Thirdly, your dining room can have an attached bookshelf to it so that the whole family can keep their favourite books there and read them whenever they want. Just make sure it doesn’t take up too much space in your dining room. There must be a balance between the bookshelf and the dining space.

4. Bookshelves behind the sofas are a very common theme which can be seen in the houses of metro cities. These are tiny spaces where people keep a very limited number of coffee table books and small artefacts.

5. Some people like to keep their bookshelves as side tables. It can store their books as well things of daily use. These bookshelves then are used for both aesthetic and practical purposes.

6. You can also create different sizes of bookshelves if your budget allows it. These bookshelves will then be able to store books of all shapes and sizes.

7. If you have a fireplace at home, you can create a whole world of books around that space. Books around a fireplace give out cosy and comforting vibes.

8. Like the doorframe idea, bookshelves can also be built around a window. You can enjoy the outside view while enjoying a cup of tea or coffee and your favourite novel.

9. Your bedroom can become a focal point if you introduce bookshelves there. Just keep it small and simple as bedrooms must not be too cluttered to look at.

10. Lastly, even a small corner of your home can house a small bookcase. Here you can put a limited amount of books which you just want to put on display.

So, these are some of our decor ideas in which you can incorporate bookshelves into your house. We hope that you will love these ideas.

Additionally, we want to bring to your notice how you can decorate your bookshelves. People use a lot of artefacts to decorate bookshelves or use some materials to beautify their bookshelves.

Let’s take a look at how you can add some wonderful elements to make your bookshelves look more comfy and welcoming.

Ways in which you can beautify your bookshelves

1. Firstly, if you have a high bookshelf, you can install a decorative ladder which will look beautiful and at the same time, will be a practical option as well. You can climb to the bookshelf you want to and pick out your favourite book.

2. Another option is to install shelves that have a funkiness to them. These shapes will give you a lot of fun and you will enjoy arranging your books or other things on these shelves.

3. You can even add food elements to your library. Just keep one pot or pan that aesthetically looks good. You can even add a dried pasta jar or mason jars with dry stuff in them.

4. Sometimes even bath linen or bath decor also looks pretty when arranged in proper order. Keep some towels or essential oils to spruce up your bookshelves.

5. You can make your bookshelves a lot more colourful if you add a full rainbow theme to the bookshelves.

6. You can even buy bookshelves that can be moved from one room to the next. This way you will be forever connected with your favourite books in any part of the home.

7. Make use of a vintage cabinet if you have one at home. Spruce it up with different artefacts, books and other decorative items which will make this cabinet the highlight of your home.

8. Play around with contrasting colours. If you have darker bookshelves, then add artefacts and books of a lighter shade and vice-versa. This will create a vivid colour pop which will become very suitable for your home.

9. Installing small metal brackets can enhance the look of your bookshelves. These brackets will make your bookshelf look more classy and elegant.

10. Lastly, you can choose to go weird if your mind wishes it. Add some vases, and artefacts that have unusual shapes and sizes to add a good vibe.

So, this is how you can add some decorative ideas to enhance the look of your bookshelves. We hope that you loved these ideas. So implement these and you will feel your bookshelves come to life.


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