How to Have a Huge Library

This Blog Includes :

Blog Summary:

1. An introduction to what libraries mean to people and how are they being used nowadays.

2. Some tips as to how we can keep increasing our library.

Libraries have been a part and parcel of our lives for generations. Age by age, we have come to love our libraries more than ever. Nowadays, libraries too have gone the digital route and are working much more efficiently now.

There was once an era when printing a single book took almost a year but now printing presses publish thousands of books in a matter of seconds. No wonder our libraries are always full of newer and newer titles.

Even at home, we keep a small shelf or a huge room for keeping all of our favourite books which we go to again and again whenever our mind feels like it. Our treasured books are also our favourite friends and someone has rightly said that books are our greatest friends.

We keep on adding or deleting books from our libraries. We either donate them to the community libraries of our locality or to other people who require those books and cannot afford to spend money to purchase a new edition.

We all love reading books, this is a plain and simple fact. Whether it be on an e-book reader or simply our paperbacks and hardback books, they occupy a special place in our lives and hearts. We cannot think of a world without books. A world without books simply cannot exist.

In schools and colleges, we carry our books because they help us in getting a good education and to graduate with good marks. But, we must also remember that books are our true helpers who have helped and are still helping us with our studies.

There are numerous ways in which we can buy and read more and more books. In this blog, we will be discussing how to get a massive library that is within your easy reach and what are some of the steps to achieve this. So, let’s get into the steps now.

Ways to have a Huge Library at Home

1. The first and foremost thing to do when you want to read more books is to organize your bookshelves in the manner in which you want to read your books. You can either sort your titles in a colour code or through the alphabetical mode whichever suits your fancy. You can even go for sorting your books in either paperback or hardback sorting as this will also allow you to read more books. Through these steps, you can see which books you want to read first and which ones later.

2. It is also important that you sort through your stacks of books to make sure that you keep only those books that you wish to preserve and treasure. Give away your old books to friends and people who come and visit you and want to read that book. Giving your prized books to someone else also brings happiness to them as well as you.

3. One more thing to do is you can create a to-read pile where all of your current and upcoming reads can be stored. This makes your reading task a lot easier and you will also keep in check which books you are currently reading and which ones are on your upcoming reading list. Almost everyone has their pile of books in and around their bedrooms or has dedicated shelves where they keep their current reading books.

4. Your books must not be limited to just bookshelves. They can be kept in your bedrooms, living rooms, and hallways if they are big enough to accommodate, and in your children’s rooms as well. You can have an entirely separate room for your books as well. But be sure that all of your readers are properly arranged and organized in the manner you want them to.

5. Always take good care of your books as they also need cleaning up from time to time. With a dry cloth, brush off any dust that has settled on your books over the past few months or a year. This helps to keep the books in good shape even after years of buying. This system also helps you to chuck out books which you will not read anymore and can be given to someone who requires them.

6. Adding unique elements to your library also helps to spruce up the space. You may have some plants, accessories or other things that you wish to decorate your library with. So, go ahead and you can do so at your leisure anytime you want.

7. Whenever you are sorting through your old books it is best to take this task into smaller steps. Create four boxes or piles and label them as keep, toss, sell or donate. This will make your book sorting project a lot easier and you will feel more relaxed when doing this.

8. If you feel your shelves are still full, keep your book sorting project on before you think of buying a new bookshelf. Even after that, your bookshelf is full, then you can consider purchasing another bookshelf to store the books that you want to keep.

9. Finally, you can try out various designs for your home library if you are building a new home from scratch.

So, these are some of the ideas that can help you have a big home library and some design ideas which you can look up on the internet and which are within your budget. We hope that you like these ideas and will incorporate them as well. Till then, keep reading!!!


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