How to Pick a Children's Book Publisher

This Blog Includes :

Blog Summary:

1. A small introduction as to what children’s authors write and publish.

2. Ways in which children’s authors can choose publishers to get their books published.


The world of children’s authors is very bright and colourful. They get to write a lot of interesting books for young minds and get them published for the reading of children. They even get very interesting topics from their imagination that help them to create newer and newer titles for children.

And to share these titles with thousands of children around the world, these authors need a good publisher. A relationship between an author and a publisher is a lifelong affair and one which is of deep understanding and cordiality. So, this relationship must be a genuine one.

Nowadays, it is difficult to find good publishers for any type of book that the authors want to get published. Although there are still good and reputed publishing houses in India like Penguin, Oxford and others, some new authors are not able to afford them because of which they have to look for smaller publishers. But small publishers sometimes dupe authors of their money.

Thus, authors must do a complete background check of the publishers before they give their manuscripts to them. In this blog, we will be exploring some such ways in which children’s book authors can choose the best publisher without paying too much or getting duped in the end.

Ways to choose the best publisher to get your book published

Some of the ways to choose the best book publisher for your work are as follows-

1. First of all, it is important to know your market. When you have a clear understanding of your children’s book market, you will then write titles that are popular and hot-selling. This will help you get a good royalty on your books. Keep an update on what your audience is interested in reading. Then show your manuscript to an editor. They will then advise you on whether your book is publishable or not. Then there are several categories of children’s books that you can write in, for example, picture books, early readers, chapter books, middle grade and young adults.

2. Secondly, you can visit your local bookstore to get a better idea of what are the recent trends in children’s books. This idea is much better as compared to simply looking at an online bookstore’s website. When you see things physically and first-hand, you will write better titles for children.

3. Make sure you keep refining your manuscript before finally taking it to the editor. When the editor will be satisfied with your finished manuscript, then he/she will help you choose the best publisher according to the manuscript you have written. Book editing is a very meticulous process and takes days, months and sometimes even years to perfect. So, keep working on your manuscript until you are fully sure that there is nothing to change or correct.

4. After perfecting your manuscript, show it to your very close friends and family. Ask them to give honest and brutal feedback on your story. As for children’s authors, they must take their manuscripts to children and parents. This will help them get a clear idea of further amendments that they need to make in their story.

5. Additionally, your manuscript can also travel with you to children’s book clubs or writing communities where there are a lot of kids who will be willing to give your book a read. Other authors will give you expert advice on how to best improve your manuscript.

6. Make sure the editor you are working with is a thorough professional in children’s books. These editors will not only help you with your grammar and storytelling skills but will also let you know whether or not you are writing for the right audience. Many senior and experienced editors will also help you understand the full process of publishing.

7. If you are taking the help of publishing agents, then make sure you do not create any illustrations in your manuscript. Even if you are self-publishing your book for the first time, illustrations can be taken care of later as they will give you a big disadvantage during the publishing process.

8. Seek the help of a children’s book agent if you are not able to approach the editor yourself. The agent will take your manuscript to several editors and get the best deal for your book. If your book holds potential, then it can even make it to TV, film and merchandising as well. All of these will also be handled by the agent as well.

9. If you are not taking the help of an agent, then search for publishers who are looking for ‘unagented submissions.’ There are publishing houses that allow authors to publish directly to their website while others only accept submissions through agents.

10. After your children’s book is out in the marketplace, make sure you do heavy marketing of your book as then only will it get in the eyes of the public. Sell merchandise that revolves around the book like mugs, t-shirts, badges etc. This will help to get you a name among the people. Additionally, you can scout for influencers who will be ready to advertise your books on their YouTube channels or social media and make sure you get good reviews from book reviewers as well.

11. School visits are a great way to get marketing for your books. Schools have children and teachers who are always eager to read new books by new authors. 

So, this is how you can write, publish and market your books with the help of a good literary agent, editor and publisher. Hope these pointers will be of great help to new authors who are looking to publish their children’s books for the first time.


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